Thursday, May 27, 2010

Karma is a *#@!&

So I guess due to my new found beliefs I have really noticed how many people use the word "Karma" in their everyday lives. Just the other day I was standing in line at the dollar store to buy my wife some glue sticks. In front of me were these 2 teenage girls with a basket full of groceries.They must have known the boy working the register because he had commented on the stuff they were buying. Then one of the young ladies told him that a little old lady they knew asked them to run to the store to pick up a few things.She then told the boy that she said yes because it was "good Karma". It made me smile to see some young people do a good deed for an elderly neighbor, but then I got to thinking about the context of what she said.I don't really think she understands the whole concept of Karma. I think a lot of you don't realize that there is more to it then "what goes around comes aorund".

These 2 young girls did this good deed because it would bring them good Karma.You can't do a good deed for someone and expect something in return, you should do it out of the kindness of your heart and because it was the right thing to do. If the only reason you did it was to get good "Karma" then your actions were wasted. There is no pulling the wool over the eyes of the universe, it can see directley into our hearts and know our intentions at the exact moment we do anything.So the next time you see the oppurtunity to do something kind for another ,do it just because it's the right thing to do.

I saw a post on a friends status that said she loves when she "sees Karma come back and punch someone in the face". And that got me thinkin about some other misunderstandings about this thing called "Karma". Karma by definition is that there is a cause and effect for everything that happens in the universe.Everything that has ever happened to any of us is due to something we have done in this or previous lives.But Karma doesn't just mean our actions. It also means our thoughts,our words and our feelings. If you have negative thoughts about someone you are sending out bad Karma. Just the thought of wishing bad Karma on another is a negative thought and will result in bad Karma for you.Being happy to see someone get what you think they deserve is not a positive way to see the situation. We all reap what we sow. There is no getting away from it. All we can do is try and be the nicest person possible and take life as it comes, day by day.Remember what someone does to us is their Karma, they way we react to it is our Karma.Blessings and love to you all.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not everything is as it seems.

I remember as a young child seeing homeless people, they always seemed to be older men and women wearing rags for clothes and sipping on a bottle of something still in the brown paper bag. I always assumed they were mentally disabled. Maybe veterans that came back from the war and had nothing here waiting for them. Or maybe they were mental patients who were released from the hospital and could not function in normal society. But then I am sure some were drug abusers who had lost everything to their addiction. What ever their story was I had a vision of what a homeless person looked like. Well, I am sad to say that that vision for me has been changed.

The past few days I have been doing some work at the house of a friends mother. Each day as I was on my way home, as I crossed the Boulevard, I saw a young woman standing on the island dividing the lanes of traffic. From a distance she appears to be in her early twenties. Her clothes seem to be the same you would see any other woman her age wearing, just a lot dirtier. She holds a sign that reads "Homeless, please help." As I drive past her my mind starts to wander about how she got to this awful point in her life. How is it possible that a young lady like her has no one to take her in and give her a helping hand? A friend or a family member to give her a bed to sleep in or some food to fill her belly. This young woman who has her whole life ahead of hear should not be worrying about where her next meal will be coming from, or where she will be sleeping to keep the rain of her head.

This young lady is not the only nameless person who is in need of help. On our many trips to the city I recall seeing a man, maybe in his fifties holding a sign that read "Homeless Vet. IM not a druggie IM just hungry." I wondered why he felt like he had to assure people that he wasn't some druggie who was just looking for his next fix. Then it occurred to me that so many of us automatically think the worst when we see someone in that setting. Why do we as a society always think the worst of each other? This country has hit rock bottom financially and many hard working people are being forced out of their homes and looking for other options. We cannot continue to turn our backs on these people. They are all human beings that deserve our compassion and generosity.

We must all do what ever we can to help. Now I know times are tough everywhere for everyone. We may not have extra money to give to all the people who need our help, but there are so many other ways you can make a difference. You can donate those old clothes instead of throwing them away. You can make some sandwiches and give them out to people you come across. You can volunteer your time at a soup kitchen or shelter. Sometimes the smallest act of compassion can make the biggest difference. In closing the message I think I am trying to get across is, the next time you see someone living on the street stop and be thankful for all that you have, and remember that if you were in their shoes how grateful you would be if someone took the time to stop and help you. Blessings and Love to you all.

Friday, May 7, 2010

This to shall pass.

For the past few days I have really been thinking hard about change. How nothing in this world is permanent. There is an old saying that "you can never step into the same river twice" and what that means is that every second of every day things are changing all around us. Whether we want to believe it or not, we are constantly changing. Our bodies are getting older, our thoughts and emotions are never the same from minute to minute. We are not the same person we were yesterday. For some people change is a scary thing, but how silly is it to fear something we have no control over? We can't stop it, so why not just embrace it.

With that in mind take a look at your own situation. Think about the people or things in your life that make you "happy".Maybe it's that brand new car you just bought. For so long you dreamed of owning it and every time your in it you have a real sense of accomplishment. How are you going to feel about that same car the first time it breaks down and costs you a small fortune to get it fixed. Or maybe it was a new shirt that you thought made you look really good. How is it gonna feel when it goes out of style? The same goes true for people in our lives. Think about that special someone who you felt so close to that you never thought you would ever go your separate ways. Then one day that person is not there any more. Are you going to feel like something is missing in your life?

You see the real problem here isn't that things change. It's the fact we let ourselves get attached to them. We pin our hopes of happiness onto things that could never live up to our expectations. Maybe you are waiting for that special someone to come into your life, someone who will make you feel complete. You create an image in your mind of this perfect person, and when you finally do find someone the first time they do something that doesn't measure up to your image you feel let down. Or maybe it is a friend you had growing up. Someone who was right by your side whenever you needed them. But as you both got older your interests seem to have gone in different directions and you aren't as close as you used to be. Will you feel betrayed because they are not there for you like they used to be?

The truth of the matter is we can't let ourselves become so attached to things that our happiness depends on them. Once you realize that nothing is permanent you will be free to just live for today and enjoy the moment. Be close to the people you love and enjoy the things you have, but true happiness comes from within. It is not something that can be gifted to you or be bought in a store. It comes from knowing that the here and now is all that matters. We can't buy back yesterday, so spend your days wisely. Blessings and Love to all.