Saturday, August 18, 2012

A real lesson about Love

I have to admit, the ever growing divorce rate in this world has concerned me for a very long time now. If I am not mistaken, I believe half of all marriages end in divorce. And when you turn on the tabloid channels you hear about actors and celebrities that can't stay married for longer then a few months. Have we really become a race of beings that would just rather give up and walk away then to put out the extra effort to make it work?? Do we really value our own expectations so much, that if someone doesn't live up to them they are not worth our time? What has happened to us? Where is the commitment?Now it has been revealed, by some sort of study done, that money matters and economic hardships are one of the main reasons that most marriages end. I would have to included infidelity as a big NO-NO as well. But the whole money reason to end a loving relationship, to me, always seemed like a really lame excuse. Marriage is a partnership, an equal contract that both people have to do their part to make work. There is no ME or MINE in a marriage, there is just WE and OURS. You have to be committed to your partner and do whatever you have to, to support and encourage each other.

 Now with this being said, I would like to share with you something that happened to me yesterday. There is a catholic church, on the same property, which the building I work in is on. Behind the church is a little field, that has beautiful little trees, landscaped flowers and bushes and even a water fall on it. It is a very peaceful place and I really like sitting there from time to time just to be close to nature. Well yesterday I was walking past this place and something caught my eye, it was a large green tarp. It was carefully placed under some trees behind the fountain. As I walked closer to it, it became clear that there were two people sleeping on the grass using this tarp as a blanket. They used their shoes as pillows and had a few small bags around them. I could only guess that all of their personal belongings were what was in those few tiny bags. The closer I got, I came to find that it was a man and a woman sleeping side by side. Could this really be a married couple? So down on their luck that they have no where else to go but to sleep outside? Now in the city of Philadelphia, homelessness is not some alien thing. You can see the effects of the terrible economy on every street corner. But this was the first time I ever saw a man and his wife together, holding each other tightly as they slept.

 A feeling of utter sadness came over me, but the more I thought about it, I couldn't help but feel joyful, almost Happy. These two amazing people, who obviously have hit rock bottom, didn't allow their situation to end their relationship. They stayed true to their vows of Love, Honor and cherish one another through good times and through bad. They decided that being together, no matter where they were, is far better then being apart. These two strangers taught me a very valuable lesson and they didn't even know it. I wanted so badly to help them. But I am not in the financial state right now to give them enough money to really make a difference. So what could I do? I decided that the very least I could do, was to make sure they had a hot breakfast when they woke up. I jumped into my car and drove to a local coffee shop. I bought them each a hot coffee and some food. When I got back, they were just opening their eyes. I said to them that I thought they might be hungry. They were so grateful for my gesture. They thanked me for my kindness, but I said to them, "No thank you, for showing me that Love is far stronger then anything else that could possibly try to knock me down.". These two wonderful people, in my eyes are role models. They are a great example of not giving up, just because times are hard. I will never forget them. May God bless them and help them get back on their feet.