Saturday, April 24, 2010

Set your bags down here.

So how many of us have used the phrases:"That person has a lot of Baggage","They have issues" or "Why can't they just let it go?". But I wonder how many of us realize the excess baggage that we are carrying around. All those things that we hold deep down inside our hearts that cause us so much sadness and pain. So many of us carry so much that it slowly drags us down to the point where we feel like we can't go on. We have these feelings of resentment and anger towards people that may have been out of our lives for years. Maybe we are still upset about something unfair that happened to us. Or maybe we lost someone we loved. No matter what it is that each of us carry or cling on to, we have to learn to let it go.

We all have to learn to let go of the person we used to be. We have to let go of all the negative attitudes and feelings that have been growing in our hearts for all these years. We have to replace those feelings of hatred with compassion, replace jealousy with generosity and replace resentment with forgivness.How many of us have hated someone, and that person never knew how we felt? Who is really suffering from that hatred? How many of us still wallow in sadness from losing a loved one? Do you think that loved one would really want you to be sad because of their passing? Or would they want you to get on with your life and be the happiest you could be? How many of us still hold onto feelings from a past relationship? Even though the other person has moved on and found happiness somewhere else. Clinging onto things is one of the major reasons of suffering.

We have to learn to live in the here and now. To take things for what they are worth and to deal with them as they come. Nothing in this world is permanent. Things come and go and we can't waste our time clinging onto the things that have gone. It's great to hold onto memories but don't let them monopolize your mind so that you lose the chance to make new ones. What would happen if when you were driving down the road and your eyes were fixated on the rear view mirror? You would most definitely miss that turn ahead. We have to stay aware of the world around us."They call today the present because it truly is a gift." I know we have all heard this saying before but how many of us really believe it. Today is the first day of the rest of your life and it is up to you whether you want to live in the past or live for today. I am choosing to live for today and I would love for you to be here with me. Blessings and love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that people hold on to pasts b/c it's used as a safeguard to head into future endeavors. If you burn your hand by putting it on the stove, you know next time you put your hand there - you're going to get burnt! We can only learn from past experience, therefore we go head on into new things with the knowledge we already have. This makes it hard to be optimistic and have hope when you've dealt with a contstant strain of dissapointment. Doing things the same way and expecting different results is the definition of insanity - that being said - It takes a grueling amount determination and hope to have a belief that you won't get burnt if you reach for that stove top again.
