Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hungry Ghosts

Why is it that so many people in this world think that the more they have the happier they will be? When did it become a rule that you need to take what you can and worry about only yourself? We live in a world that a homeless person is looked at like they are less then human, and someone who plays a child's game but gets paid millions of dollars to do it is considered a hero.The amount of material possessions you have has become more attractive and more important then what you have on the inside.It seems that the amount of money you have in the bank is more important then the amount of love you have in your heart.Where did this unsatisfiable hunger for material objects and wealth come from?Does the person who dies with the most really win?

We spend thousands of dollars on a television set.Pay $6 for a cup of coffee and we have cell phones that have more functions then a Swiss army knife.Is it true that the more expensive something is the better it is? I would say NO!Our lust for money and material objects has even made some of us suspicious of others.That anyone who reaches out a hand to help or tries to get close to us must want something from us.We have this mentality that nothing in this world is free,that everything has a cost.How have we become these misers who think this way?Is it true that someone who is a millionaire is a better person then someone who is unemployed ?When is enough enough?

We have to get our priorities back in order. We need to look inside ourselves and see what is really important.We need to replace our greed with generosity, our anger with love, our suspicion with trust and our anger with caring.We all know deep down inside how we should live our lives and how we should treat others. The hard part is doing it.Just imagine how the world would be if everyone cared about everyone else as much as they cared about themselves.Imagine if we all had enough to live,if we all were considered equals.Every person on this planet has one thing in common, we all want to be happy.No matter if your the richest person in the world or the poorest, we all desire happiness.But the good news is, happiness isn't something that can be bought or gifted to you. You have to find it within, so it doesn't matter how much you do or don't have,you can be happy.Blessings and Love to all. Namaste.

1 comment:

  1. Bubba, I call this the American way. The Independence of America has put us straight for disaster. Love and peace and been looked down upon since the fall of the hippies in 69. This world has always been about power. I agree that we need to learn that love is all you need. We need to live the truth and hope that one day people will realize that we can survive without all of this. But, I have to admit, I am a victim, we all are victims of the material world. Live the truth and walk the path and then we can be set free. Love and respect. HippyCreep the Prophet of Soul
