Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't let the door hit you in the...........

It seems to me, this past year I have had more people that I considered friends, just walk out of my life. For one reason or another they had made up their minds that I was someone they no longer wanted to be acquainted with. Some of them I saw coming and others came out of left field. I was caught totally off guard. But regardless of why or how it ended they all were accompanied by DRAMA. I try and not let myself get caught up in a finger pointing contest, whose fault it was and who could have done this or that. It has come painfully obvious that some relationships just don't last forever.

There is an old saying that most times you can learn more from your enemies then you can from your friends. If you think about it, that is a very true statement.I sit back and think about those people who have hurt me in the past and the lesson I take away from it is, now I know what kind of people I don't want in my life. There are some people in the world who are so wrapped up in their own lives that everything else becomes just a bore to them.They monopolize the conversation with stories of what is new with them, what their kids did and how their spouse pissed them off. Don't' be fooled, they put up a false front that they really care about you, but in the end all they care about is themselves. Always looking out for their best interest, no matter who gets hurt.

There is one person in particular that betrayed my trust so badly it is beyond words. I forced myself to be his friend and in the end it cost me dearly. I would never tell anyone what this person did to me, but the details really aren't the important part. The worst part of it was that this person was still "friends" with other people that I care about. I would see him comment on friends statuses and say the crude and vulgar things that he is famous for, and it would make my stomach turn. I learned the hard way what kind of person he is and it worries me that he may hurt someone else the same way he hurt me.You really do have to be careful who you let get close to you.

I hold no bad feelings towards anyone anymore. I have learned the importance of forgiveness and how hating someone only hurts one person, yourself. People are who they are.No one can be changed if they don't want to be, so we are forced to accept people for who they are. We don't have to like it, but worrying about it only breeds negativity in ourselves.Eliminating the negative people from our lives is not only an option. Maybe they are co-workers or even family members, people that you are forced to see everyday. All you can do is make a conscious decision not to let their negative attitudes affect your life. Instead of being angry with them, you should really pity them, because unless they change who they are they will never find happiness in their lives.

So in closing remember NO ONE can have a direct affect on your life without you allowing it. You are the BOSS of you!You and you alone decide how you will live your life. Don't sink down to their level, be the better person. Remember the more you love your life, the more it will love you back!!! Blessings and Love to all. <3<3<3


  1. It seems as though those people ARE happy! Or whatever "happy" means to them - they are unphased by our non-existance in their lives, while we lay awake to think about it...

  2. They are not happy, they wear masks, masks that hide their true selves. True happiness comes from an inner peace, a love for oneself and for others. No one who can purposly hurt another and get pleasure from it, is really happy inside.They are trying to fill a huge hole that they have inside of them by causing pain to others. Never think for one minute that they are benefitting from hurting others. They suffer far more then we do.

  3. Thanks Babe- I am so desperately wanting to get back to this way of thinking. God Im so thankful you have become the ROCK I need. I seem to keep stumbling along the path, but Im extremely happy you are the one to pick me up and keep going. Maybe the student has surpassed the teacher after all. lol LOVE YOUR FACE!

  4. Bubba, this is sooo true. People wear all kinds of mask's. I am surrounded by the mask all day. It feeds on negativity and we really need to see the light in every situation. Your awakening has re-awakened my faith and positive outlook on life. Because, I believe that I met a true friend and realized that maybe there are real people in this world. I used to think that maybe me and Lisa where the only real people. Most of the people I met acted like friends, but you find out that they were just wearing the mask. In the end, all we can doo is keep the faith and live the truth. Namaste!

  5. :) Rick I just saw your comment an I couldn't agree more. I've been feeling exactly the same way lately. It's been almost a week since I've felt my inner peace, because I've let fake people hurt me. That ends now! I'm glad You and Lisa are Maskless :)
