Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stand your ground....

It is written that if someone strikes you on the right cheek you should turn and offer him the left. This pacifist attitude should never be looked at as a sign of weakness, but as a sign of strength and courage. It shows to the person who wants to do you harm, that no matter what they do you will not let yourself sink to their level. It makes no difference whether they cause you physical harm, use harsh words to you or cause you some mental pain. By not retaliating you are showing them that you will not let them influence the way you live your life.

It is not the actions or the words of others that cause us to become angry with people or to hate them, that is a decision that we must make on our own. We let ourselves get angry, we let ourselves start to hate. Don't let others decide for you how you should feel and how you should act. Let your conscience be your guide and always do the right thing even if it means doing nothing at all. The way that others treat us is their Karma, the way we react to it is ours. Don't let someone who has hurt you continue to do so by causing you to have negative Karma. Remember they can only hurt us if we let them. Blessings and Love to all.


  1. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. --Buddha

  2. That has always been one of my favorites. : )
