Friday, September 24, 2010

What do you believe?

I am getting the feeling that some of the people that I have known for a long time think that I have lost my mind or are on drugs of some sort because of my new beliefs and new outlook on life.Most of them are Catholic, who went to a Catholic school for 12 years as I did. So I know the kind of mentality that is instilled in them, that the Catholic beliefs are the correct ones and anything else is "Blasphemy". I don't have any bad feelings towards them because they see me as some kind of weird-o. I think the main problem is that so many religions brainwash their followers to look down on or even dis-like anyone who doesn't believe what they do.Is that really a reason to not like someone? Is that really a reason to harm or even KILL someone? I have done some studying on a lot of the different world religions and no where in any of them do I get the message that we should hate anyone for any reason. Especially for their beliefs.

I truly believe a major problem with the world today is, there is very little religious tolerance.Let's look back at history, how many millions of people were murdered in the name of GOD? How many wars were fought because of different beliefs? Why are people so afraid of what they don't understand or what they have no knowledge about? During the Holy Crusades the Catholic church sent warriors out to KILL or CONVERT the people of the surrounding countries. The Salem witch trials, hundreds of woman were killed because they were found to be unholy by the church.I not sure how many of you know this but Witch craft is the oldest religion on this planet. It is not old green women with pointy hats standing over a boiling cauldron. They worshiped the Mother Earth and use herbs for healing purposes.Buddhism (which technically is not a religion) is thought to be some sort of Hippy drug induced state of mind that forces you to love everything. And lets not forget those EVIL Muslims!!! The actions of some radical lunatics that hated America so badly that they killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 have branded all Muslims as terrorist.Well let me assure you that no where in the Quran does it tell any Muslim to kill Americans.

I really believe that in their simplest forms all religions are good. They teach us how to be better people and how we should treat each other.They teach us morals and ethics, not hatred and anger. Stop over analyzing it and just take it for what it is. Don't let some "elder" try and convince you of what you know in your heart to be true.Treat others as you would want to be treated, plan and simple.As for all of you out there that think I'm off my rocker (lol) it's OK, I like where I am now and the mentality that I have. I have never been Happier or more at peace with myself ever. So don't worry about me, worry about yourself. Open your Hearts and Minds to all those things you don't understand, you may just find something you can really connect with. Blessings and Love to you all.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love you more today than I ever thought possible. Please don't ever change! Our lives together lack for nothing now.
