Thursday, January 5, 2012

The easy life

No where in the history of the world was it ever written that life is supposed to be easy. But so many of us take the easy road in life, even though it may not be the right road. It's true that it's much easier to be negative then it is to stay positive in the face of adversity. But doesn't that only make matters worse? I know it may be easier to to give up when things are going bad then it is to keep on trying, but quiting has never won anyone the race. It may be easier to strike back at someone who has hurt you then it is to turn the other cheek, but it takes a lot more courage to walk away from confrontation then it does to engage in it.I know it's easier to use profanity when you talk then it is to try and express your self more constructively, but how uneducated does that make you look? It's a lot easier to give into peer pressure then it is to do what you know in your heart is the right thing. Sadly enough it is easier to hate then it is to Love, because to love someone, you are giving that person the chance to hurt you, but trusting that they won't. And I know it's much easier to try and blame someone else for the problems in your life then it is to accept responsibility for them.

So many people these days are taking the easy road through life. They don't want to put in the time or do the work to live more morally or ethically. They are just hitching their wagon onto the what the rest of society is doing because it has become the norm. Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but the truly moral person does it, even when no one else is watching. It has been written once that "nothing easy is ever worth doing". So lets all try and stop taking the easy path through life and try the hard road. They say the harder the mountain is to climb, the better the view will be when you reach the top. Blessings and Love to you all. Namaste.

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