Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Be Happy!

What is it in human nature that makes so many of us dwell on the bad things that happen in our lives? They say things like "My life sucks","I am so unlucky" and "Why do these things always happen to me?". But I wonder, when things were going your way did you ever stop and think about how good your life was? Were you thankful and appreciative? We all have so much in our lives to be thankful for, but we take them all for granted. Almost like they are owed to us. I bet anyone sitting in a wheelchair right now would love to trade places with you just to be able to walk down the street. But we complain when we have park far away from the mall and have to walk a little. And some of us want to have a bigger and fancier place to live. I think the guy sleeping under the bridge would find it very comfortable. Everyone has UP's and down's in their lives. You lose things that you loved, people who you cared about hurt your feelings, someone you love passes away or you may have even lost your job. And all those things are terrible and it hurts when they happen. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. That means you can't stop from hurting, but dwelling on it makes the pain in your heart last so much longer and makes it so much worst. Complaining or feeling sorry for yourself will never make your problems go away. We don't lose if we get knocked down! We lose if we stay down! I for one would much rather go through this life being positive that someday all my dreams are going to come true. But I am not going to sit around and stare at the clock waiting for them. I am happy with the life I have right now. That is the first step we must all take if we want to be happy. To many people search for perfection while they snub their nose at contentment. To many people search for the right person to make them happy when all the time it is in themselves. You have the power to make yourself happy. Your mind is the most important thing you have and you can't even see it or touch it. But no one can ever take it from you or use it against you unless you allow them to. Just like the old saying "You can do anything you put your mind too!" Well, I would love to see you put your mind too being happy. Love your life and it will love you back!

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