Monday, March 22, 2010

What works for us,

Some friends of mine (you know who you are) have told me in the past that I could hold classes about how to be a good husband. Well, I don't know about how good of a husband I am. I have had my share of moments when I would drive my wife crazy. We have been together for almost 15 years now and we have our fair share of hard times. At each others throats, saying terrible things to each other and even threatening to leave the other. But we rode out the storm and together we have grown. Not only mentally but spiritually. You know in my life I have heard people say that "you shouldn't have to work at making your relationship last." I couldn't disagree more with that statement. You need to work for everything that you want to keep. Maybe a better saying would be "working on your relationship should never feel like work." Everything I do for my wife and children I do because I want to do it. I work on keeping them happy and safe. But not for one moment did I wish I didn't have that job. It is the best job I could ever wish for. And it is mine till the day I die.

I was just watching the news and they had an interview with Tiger Woods. I have to admit when I heard about his infidelity I was totally disgusted by him. I never understood cheating on the person your with. I mean if you want to be with other people then just have the decency to break it off with the person your in a relationship with. It always breaks my heart when I hear about a marriage ending in divorce. The divorce rate in this country is staggering! How have we as a people come to this? Let's look back, just a few generations, our grandparents generation. So many couples were getting married at such young ages (17-20) after knowing each other just a short period of time, and they are married for 40,50 even 60 years. What did they know that somehow got lost from our mentality? The old saying goes "they don't build em like that anymore" well in my eyes that goes for relationships too.

There is one thing that I would tell someone who came to me for marital advice. My happiness has always depended on the happiness of my loved ones. Knowing that my wife and children are happy is the best thing in the world to me. And I know that my wife feels the same for me. When you have two people who's one goal in life is to make the other happy, you have a good recipe for success. I truly know that my wife and I will be together forever. There is no one in the world I would rather grow old with. "Being in love" with someone isn't enough, you have to "Love being" with that person too. You have to be able to just enjoy each others company. Play games, watch movies, act like fools together or just sit quietly and read together. Having a REAL friendship is, in my eyes, one of the most important pieces to having a good relationship. It's not the only piece but it's a big one. Well like I said, I don't know how qualified I am to write about how to have a good relationship, I just know what works for us. And hopefully, to everyone reading this, if it hasn't already, I hope you find what works for you. Love your life and it will love you back.


  1. Well, I have to agree - you are a good husband. I know you love your wife...I can see it every time we all get together. Jason's the exact same way. You guys really know how to keep us wives happy!

    I really do believe that "working on your relationship should never feel like work" - that is the perfect way to look at relationships. Jason and I had to actually work for our relationship in the beginning, but it was only because of the physical distance between us. We HAD to trust each other completely and really get to know each other. But now, we're just enjoying the "fruits of our labor." We are just very open with each other and if something is bothering one of us, we're able to share it without the arguing and yelling. We may have some heated discussions, but we know in the end that neither one of us was trying to hurt the other.

  2. Being best friends is crucial in a relationship. You and your wife are just that. You love to spend time with each other, enjoy each other's company and would rather be in the company of no one else. Your relationship is admirable, whether it was hard to get there or not. I suggest you start a seminar for bad husbands! I would definitely pay to send a few men!
    Keep writing these blogs, I'm sure others are reading. And I'm sure they know you're full of inspiration and knowledge. Don't let the haters quiet your thoughts. 'You don't have to take the right road just because it is a well beaten path.'
