Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How did I get here?

It was the summer from "HELL"! The summer of 2009 will be etched into my memory as the "summer my life changed forever". I had just lost my job, our only income, all our medical coverage and any type of security that we may have had. But thanks to my wife and this book she read( The Secret) I stayed optimistic. Things always seemed to work out for the best when we needed them to. But then came the next chain of events that shook my world to it's foundations. In a matter of 2 months three things happened to me that I wasn't sure I was going to be able to survive. But not only did I survive, I decide that it was about time I start excepting responsibility for my life and not let this break me. It was going to make me stronger. I made a decision that it was time to realize what was important in my life and to be finally happy. I started out by just looking up some inspirational quotes and sayings. Some truly amazing people said some amazing things. But something kept pulling me towards one person. This one man decided that he didn't want to suffer anymore. So he went out looking for the cure to every one's misery. And after a very long time he found it. Buddha knew that the way to end your suffering was to be Happy. To have Love and compassion in your heart for everyone. Could it really be that simple? Well lets think about it. When you walk into a store and the cashier smiles at you and says hello, doesn't that make you feel good? Or when someone goes out of their way to hold a door open for you or to step aside and let you go first.Isn't that nice? These are some of the most simple things we can do everyday, that could make someone else's day a little better.So just imagine that on a grander scale. If you did everything you possibly could to help the people in your life imagine how quickly your happiness would spread.

For the first time in a very long time I have a great group of friends. People I would do anything for. If they called me up in the middle of the night and needed me, I would be there for them. I wish them all the best in the world and I hope all their dreams come true. But the one thing I want for them more then anything is for them to be happy. I mean truly happy. I know now that I am truly happy. I have a wonderful loving wife, 2 kids that make my heart so filled with pride that some days it feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. I have a mother-in-law and father-in-law that would do anything for us. We have a wonderful house that we have made a home. But all of this came at a price. Amy and I struggled. Financially and emotionally. Saying we had our ups an downs would be an understatement. But together we made it through the rough times. If we can do it anyone can. You just have to have faith in yourselves and remember going through this life happy is much more better than being miserable. All you have to do is get it into your mind that you are going to take control of your life. That you deserve to and want to be happy. That your life is going to start getting better right now.But remember to make your world better you have to help make the people in your world better.We are all in this together, by showing each other the love and compassion that Buddha taught us we can make this world a better place........Love your life, and it will love you back.

1 comment:

  1. Last year at this time, I thought you getting to this state of awareness was unlikely. But I prayed anyway, that you'd someday walk beside me on this path, and hold each others hand through the journey. We paid the price, gone through the hardships to get where we are now but my prayers have been answered. You are here, right beside me. And there's no one else I'd rather live this life with. I love you Chris. xox
